Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Love's a game. And we're all just victims of love.

In this world, there is probably no such thing as a fairytale romance like those in idol dramas. Maybe there is, but the question is... Will it last?

Lately, I've been going through some hard times and I know my other friends have been too. All of us, affected by what we define to be love. Our relationships which came crumbling down on us despite everything we've put in. We sacrificed so much just for it to last but somehow... It just isn't enough.

Even in the strongest of all relationships, there will be problems and sometimes, our hearts might get broken.

Nobody is completely free. Everybody who experiences love will experience it.

It will take time to heal.
But what doesn't kill us, writes our song...
It only makes us stronger at the end of the day.
It only makes us better people.

This post is dedicated to you cousin H.
*hug* I'm so sorry. ):

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