Sunday, November 2, 2008

Now that my exams are done done done, I have all the FREE TIME IN THE WORLD.
Ok. Well I didn't exactly include my Sci MCQ but yeah, there's a 0.25 chance of getting each question right. I'm using probability. Woah. Shocker huh.

I'm supposed to be looking for a job but yours truly is damn lazy like shit so I think I should just sit and home and bum away. D:
Broke though.

Oh well, this is what I'll be spending my free time doing...

1. Get Akipon ready. XD

2. Do my Free Hugs sign since I am attending EOY.

3. Get cloth. (For skirt & clothes. I've got new designs & I think I should be able to sew with my mom's help...)

4. Go drama-ing.

5. Catch some shut-eye during the day & keep myself hydrated. (most impt if I wanna look good)

Since I actually spent most of money on my bling, I'm really broke. Sighs. Need to get more stuff for my decora. Hmm. Anybody want to go Arab St, Chinatown & Spotlight soon? I want to get my stuff asap. Need to get ready. Thank goodness I have loads of paint & thread at home. ((:

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