Thursday, December 25, 2008


This the season to be happy & forget whatever troubles we have! (:
Means, we must must must be merry & HAPPY! (:
Yes, that means.... Aishah, paste a smile on your face! :D Nice? LOLs.

Anyway, spent my Christmas Eve bowling & playing laser quest~
The last time I went bowling was with ex & Sc at Kina's place.
Didn't play. Ex played for me. I was afraid of making myself look like a fool.

This was the first time I played! (:

Supposedly all of us were to meet at 9am. I left my house at 9am. And the rest were all late! ):
I was first to arrive which is another first. I was waiting for the bus some more seh.

I got owned at both bowling and laser quest. Still, it was fun! ((:

My score isn't bad for a first-timer right?? (((:

That's me! Haha!

Izmir's turkey. He didn't want to erase the score for like forever because of the turkey.
Izmir & Roy
look at my 7s! Haha. XD
Hit nothing for like 14 times. LOL. Can still count ah. ):
There was once where I just accidentally dropped the ball and it rolled to the longkang and it was rolling for like forever.

I had a fun Christmas eve which didnt even feel like Christmas eve. Now my arm hurts!
I'm off to spread some love! (:

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