Monday, January 12, 2009


Maths- B4
Phy/Chem -C6

EL - A2
SS/Hist- C5
Pure Geog- C6
ML- B3
Art- C6

What really matters are the results of the two subjects listed above.

The other four subjects were never much of a concern during this entire 09. I already knew my results for those four subjects for what seems like an eternity.

I spent another year agonizing over the results of those two subjects & studying hard just trying my best to achieve an A although I knew it was impossible. Yet, I've managed to do it.
A B4 for my Maths instead of the initial D7.
A C6 for my Science, a grade better than the initial one...

I've improved. I did it. Without much guidance & after much suffering, I've done it.

2008 had been a nightmare for me. When the O level results were released then, it had started a very painful chapter of my life.

As friends started attending schools and leaving me behind. I was left alone in a painful world with few who could actually understand what I was going true. And the only one who held my hand tight and had been guiding me, chose to let me fall just as the battle was drawing near.

So there I lay, broken but still forcing myself to persevere.
I felt pressurized at times but I just tried my best to stay strong...

I'm not afraid. I'm really not.

I'll stay strong & continue fighting, being the fighter & the strong girl that people know me as.
There's no reason for me to cry... Not now...

Still, I'm wondering if I should be disappointed with myself for letting myself get these sort of results. I'm capable of better but it's just that my laziness got the better of me. In my 4 yrs in secondary school, I've always been getting single digits for Maths so I suppose this is good...

Still, I'm disapointed because it's really impossible to get into Mass Comm. WHY?! WHY?!

I'm prepared though to face whatever challenges that lie ahead of me. I'll not give up just yet.
One of these days, I shall write... (:

Thank goodness the nightmare of 2008 is over... Now, it's just left with facing that nightmare....

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