I didn't even realise it was already April until I got tricked around midnight. Then again, would most people realise that it's already a new day after the clock strikes twelve? I don't know. I just know I was still thinking it is March until I got tricked.
Worst thing is, I got fooled thrice. Am I an idiot or what? Oh well, like what Ami said, I'm really gullible.
Anyway, I can't even recall how I spent April Fools last year and the previous years. I don't know why. Must have been because I rarely celebrate April Fools Day and my pranks are hardly successful. You must be a Mandy to pull a successful one. (Flashbacks of all of Mandy's pranks back in school come to mind)
I think last year. I most probably woke up to a Good Morning & Happy April Fools sms. Nothing much. Thought of it as a normal day.
Speaking of pranks...
I'm lucky Mandy hasn't tried one on me this year. I miss her.
I remember in Sec 2. She bought this farting cushion which makes a LOUD fart sound when you sit on it. She brought it to school and I didnt even realise it.
So, after we greeted the teacher. She decided to slip it on my chair and me being extremely blur, sat and it and there was this SUPER DUPER LOUD FART SOUND.
Of course I straight away knew who was the culprit. Actually the whole class already knew. Wth. -.-'''
I think the only prank that really succeeded was the one me and Mandy prank called someone. HAHA! I can't tell you who that someone is. Later she read my blog and this post, I die.
All I can say is...
We pretended to find her number on the net & we pretended that we wanted to get to know her. And we were trying to be all creepy. HAHA!
And all this was done on Orchard Road. -.-'''
Okay. My life isn't funny at all...
Anyway, just stay happy okay! :D
p.s I really don't know why I'm blogging now.
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