Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Thank goodness there is camp next week! YAY!

I can't wait because being at home is killing me. Plus, my computer cannot work. My dad pulled out the wire, so right now... I'm being smart and typing on my laptop. This is what smart people do alright. ;)

The story continues from Friday.

So the entire weekend, we were spared from boredom. Or at least I was.
They didn't really do much to punish my brother who in the end, also disobeyed them. He doesn't listen to my parents mainly because my parents aren't strict with him.
Like when I disobey them, my punishments are like ten times worst okay. Unfair.

My brother, trying to outwit his entire family... Pretended he was sick on Monday mornin, and of course my mother was blind to it. So she let him sit at home. Hah. Stupidity.
He pretended to be sleeping when my parents called. While all the time, he was actually DOTA-ing. Stupid. really.

Then, his school called. Expected.
My brother told me not to pick up. Initially I had wanted to answer but no, my brother had to tell me not to pick up. So, obviously... Since you can't reach the homephone, the school would have to call the handphone. And they did.

My dad was at a course so he came home VERY early.
And guess what, he managed to find out ALL ABOUT my brother's ponning. Stupid brother. Pon school also don't know how to pon properly.

Then, his school is banning parents letter for him. So, have to go get MC.
As if MC is that hard to get for my family.
And my mom was saying, his school actually quite strict leh.
I'm rolling my eyes there because.
In Kranji, my whole of 4 years... Parents letter is not allowed okay. -.-'''

You compare. Please.

Then my mom was saying I pon school a lot. Got meh?
In Kss, I never pon. I pon but she don't know.
So yeah.

Frustrated la.
Can tell that my parents are biased alright.
Now, I'm being punished for something I didn't do. This is stupid.

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